
Our latest creation is a fermented polyphenol supplement. There are various antioxidant substances such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and carotenoids, but polyphenols also fight against active oxygen as a representative of antioxidant substances. Be・GLAD Ichiyo Co., Ltd., an affiliated company, has developed a technology to extract this polyphenol from plants through several fermentation processes, and has started production. Since the extracted fermented polyphenol liquid is sealed in a pouch, it is not affected by bacteria and can be stored for a long time.


The electromagnetic wave emitted by the terahertz ore is a `` terahertz wave '' with a frequency that oscillates 1 trillion times per second, and exhibits characteristics intermediate between radio waves and light. Artificial ore (terahertz ore), which is made by melting crystal at a high temperature and processing silicon dioxide into highly pure semiconductor silicon, radiates terahertz waves and is used as an ore that restores the distorted rhythm of human cells to a normal state. In recent years, it has received attention for its health benefits. Using our dyeing technology, we succeeded in fixing terahertz ore to fibers. This technology can be used as a sleeping mat as a terahertz health mat.
Terahertz bust pad

It is a product that processed the technology introduced in the terahertz mat into a bath and pad. It is said that the body temperature of the breast of the situation is around 28 degrees Celsius. In recent years, it has been reported that the incidence of breast cancer in women is increasing.I'm here. Cancer cells are vulnerable to high temperatures, and it is said that it is good to raise the body temperature even a little.

Virus fighter (calcined scallop shell calcium)

Scallop shell calcined calcium powder “Scallow” (see “Characteristics of Scallow”) and Ichiyo, which have strong antibacterial and deodorizing effects, were jointly developed with Antibacterial Research Institute Co., Ltd. more than ten years ago. The non-woven fabric (filter) "Virus Fighter", which is a fusion of the dyeing and coating technology of Senko Co., Ltd. and the processing technology of Be GLAD Ichiyo Co., Ltd., is used as a mask and protection. We were able to commercialize clothes, aprons, hats, and antibacterial water made by extracting scala directly with pure water.